


Have you ever been to a school where Staff, Teachers and the P & C care about your child as much as you do?  WE DO!

Ever felt the elation of knowing that you made a difference in a child's life? Even if it was just in a small way, but you did it?  WE DO!

A great way and rewarding opportunity to do this is to become a member of our incredible P & C Association.

Wynnum West State School has been graced with a long history of everyday people creating extraordinary things. Just like a village, Wynnum West State School exists in a setting of natural beauty and is a community where people seek to understand and help each other. We seek to achieve excellence in educational outcomes for all students at the school.

The 2024 Executive Committee is:

President:                  Courtney Pihigia

Vice President:          Matthew Duncan

Treasurer:                  Pip Dewey

Secretary:                   Leonora Young

Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of each month (except during school holidays) in the Administration building from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held at with the March Meeting. All are welcome to attend.

What is a P & C?

The P & C (Parents and Citizens Association) is an open-door committee that works collaboratively with the school to identify, source and supply modern 'wish-list' resources for the students to compliment the quality of the education and support that Wynnum West State School offers. It is a business model at its core, with financial accountabilities and legislation to follow which is why it has key executive positions and the people who fill them. Committee members agree to take on these responsibilities as guided by the job description in the P & C Constitution 2023. See the links at the side of the page for a copy of our Code of Conduct Volunteers Confidentiality Agreement.

In our P & C Committee, we have executive (accountable) roles - President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The P & C is also made up of other parents and community members. We call them Superstars. If you want to find out more about volunteering, please click on the links to the side.

If you want to become more than a casual volunteer, become a Committee Member!

The P & C is an umbrella that oversees multiple sub committees that function in most schools. Wynnum West Sub Committees include:

  • Tuckshop
  • Uniform Shop
  • Grant Application Writing
  • Fundraising & Events

Wynnum West State School is very fortunate to have a Tuckshop & Uniform Shop open Tuesday to Friday. The amazing support of the coordinator, volunteers and helpers, allows our school community to thrive.

Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of each month (except during school holidays) in the Administration building from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

Copies of our minutes from each meeting are available upon request if you are unable to attend. Please email the Secretary via

What is the P & C going to ask me to do?

Firstly, come to a meeting when you can. What you do from there is up to you. There are lots of ways to support the P & C. We aim to make it fit in with you and your interests. The P & C will put forward what it needs for events to fulfil the 'wish-list'. Please be aware that most time slots for volunteering are an hour long (e.g. BBQs), however you can offer as much or as little time as suits your family.

What are the benefits if I join the P & C?

There are many reasons why someone joins a committee. There are lots of ways to fulfil a need within the P & C - be part of a team, contribute ideas, meeting new people and having your opinions heard. The greatest benefit is the message your participation gives your children. It demonstrates that you care in their education and their school experience. It makes your children feel special that you are there.

Your child or children see the benefits that your contribute brings to our school. Our swimming pool, playgrounds, shade covers, donations to the library for the purchase of new books, the gardening club shed, music program and recent contribution towards the cost of the school's Wi-Fi upgrade are all great examples of where our fundraising efforts have been utilised throughout the school.

The P & Cs continual efforts benefit our students and school every single day.

We really look forward to meeting you!

If you would like more information, have an idea or just want to communicate with us, feel free to email us via

And to get news and updates quickly, on all things P&C (Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, Fundraising and Events) follow the P&C Facebook page, by searching 'Wynnum West SS - P&C Association'. External link

Last reviewed 18 February 2025
Last updated 18 February 2025