Welcome to Prep at Wynnum West State School.
The State-wide introduction of Prep is a significant milestone in Queensland Education.
It is the starting point for the Early Phase of Learning and is designed to build on the learning that children enjoy in the home and in early education and care settings.
The Prep curriculum is designed to better prepare children for school and is based on active learning, such as inquiry, investigation, play and focused teaching and learning.
From 2017, it is compulsory for Queensland children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1. Prep is a full-time program, where children are required to attend Monday to Friday for the entire school day.
Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year that they enrol in Prep. To check when your child is eligible, please click Prep Ready Reckoner on the right of the page.
As a parent, you play a vital role in your child's education. There are many things you can do to make your child's first day and time at school more enjoyable.
How can you help?
You can help your child prepare for their first year of school by:
- Improving their independence
- Having a daily routine
- Packing a healthy lunch
- Knowing your school
- Getting involved with your school
- Doing family activities at home
Learning in Prep
In Prep, children learn in many different ways, including play, organised games and investigation. They develop important life skills by working with other children and adults. Prep makes connections between school and what your child learns at home and in early childhood education and care.
Prep helps your child develop:
- A positive approach to learning
- Independence and confidence
- Thinking about problem-solving skills
- Language skills
- Early literacy and numeracy
- Physical abilities
Prep Curriculum
Prep teachers in State Schools use the Foundation Year of the Australian Curriculum - https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/ - to guide children's learning. The Foundation Year in the Australian Curriculum refers to the year before Year 1. In Queensland this is called Prep.
Learning through play:
When children start Prep, they move to a more structured learning environment, but they continue to learn through play. During play, children make decisions, solve problems, develop thinking and teamwork skills, communicate and develop a positive sense of themselves.
Types of play used to help Prep children learn, may include:
- Manipulative - doing puzzles, making necklaces and constructions
- Games with Rules - playing board and card games or outdoor games with rules
- Exploratory - using blocks to investigate weight, height, number, shape and balance
- Fantasy - children creating props for space adventures
- Physical - moving through obstacle courses, climbing and running
Other activities like music, painting and drawing encourage language, reading and writing skills.
At Wynnum West State School, we celebrate the start of each Prep year by awarding our students with a special badge and school hat.
Welcome to all of our new students in 2024, we wish you happy learning throughout the year!
Please refer to the enrolments page for enrolment forms.